How to open a company in Bangladesh

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Beginning the process of establishing a company in Bangladesh is an exciting step toward achieving your own personal goals of being an entrepreneur. This is because you are taking the first step toward achieving your goals. The purpose of this book is to give you with aid in growing your business presence in an efficient manner by providing you with the relevant insights and activities that are relevant to the topic at hand.

Choosing a Business Structure

It is important to have an awareness of the various business structures that are available in Bangladesh. These structures include the sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership (LLP), and private limited company.

In order to determine which of the available structures is the most suitable option for your business, it is necessary to do a comprehensive examination of the advantages, disadvantages, and legal implications connected with each structure.

Name Reservation and Approval

It is of the highest significance that you choose a name for your company that is appropriate for its operations. It is essential to get information about the procedure for reserving and obtaining permission for a business name from the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC), as well as the procedure for determining whether or not the company name that you choose is available.

Drafting the Memorandum and Articles of Association

One of the most important steps in the process of registering a business is to write the articles of association and the memorandum of association. Gain an understanding of the fundamental aspects of these papers, such as the company’s goals, the structure of its shareholdings, and the rules that govern the company’s operations.

Obtaining Necessary Licenses and Permits

It is necessary to determine the licenses and permissions that are necessary in order to lawfully run your company in Bangladesh. It may be necessary for you to secure certain licenses from regulatory authorities, depending on the nature of your company and the sector in which you operate.

Registering Your Company with RJSC

To get started with the process of registering your company with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC), you will need to fulfill the relevant information requirements. For the purpose of effectively completing the registration process, it is essential to have a comprehensive awareness of the documentation required, the fees associated with registration, and the procedures that are involved.

Tax Registration and Compliance

If you want to be sure that your company is in compliance with the laws that control taxes, you should register it for the purposes of taxation. It is important to have an awareness of the many types of taxes that are applicable to businesses in Bangladesh. These taxes include the value-added tax (VAT), the withholding tax, and the corporate income tax withholding tax.

Opening a Bank Account for Your Company

In order to efficiently handle financial transactions and operations, it is important for your firm to establish a corporate bank account. Conduct research about the prerequisites and processes that must be followed in order to create a business account with a bank in Bangladesh.

Recruiting Employees and Staffing Your Company

In order to construct a capable team, you need hire people that are in agreement with the vision and values of your organization. Acquire an understanding of the legal standards that must be met in order to hire personnel, including employment contracts, salary, and benefits.

Compliance with Labor Laws and Regulations

It is essential that all employment activities in Bangladesh be in accordance with the labor laws and regulations that regulate them. It is important to get familiar with labor standards, legislation regarding workplace safety, and employee rights in order to create a work environment that is both fair and harmonious.

Business Location and Office Setup

The success of your company is directly proportional to the location that you choose for your firm. When searching for an office space for your company’s activities, it is important to take into consideration a number of aspects, including accessibility, infrastructure, and closeness to your target market.

Launching Your Company Operations

Immediately after all of the administrative and legal formalities have been satisfied, you should formally begin operations for your firm. For the purpose of attracting clients and promoting your goods or services, you should be developing a strategic business plan and marketing strategy.

Continuous Compliance and Renewals

To guarantee that your business can continue to function normally, it is important to be up-to-date on any changes in the regulations and compliance standards. Maintaining legal compliance and avoiding fines may be accomplished by renewing licenses, permits, and registrations on a regular basis.


The establishment of a business in Bangladesh offers a wealth of exciting chances for expansion and achievement. You will be able to lay a solid foundation for your company and go on a path that will be gratifying for you as an entrepreneur if you follow the steps that are indicated in this book and seek the help of professionals when it is required.

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